January 22, 2025
green leafed plant beside books and mug

Photo by Lum3n on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/green-leafed-plant-beside-books-and-mug-309724/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>

We want our homes to be our most happy place . A place where we can relax, unwind, and shake off the stresses of our day.We also want them to be a place where we feel comfortable inviting our friends and family. Many of us think we need to call an interior designer to make it happen. But believe it, you can actually do it yourself.With a little effort and a few changes, you can transform your home into the inviting oasis which you want for yourself and for your guests.

pink and brown wooden bunk bed

But how do you actually make it happen? How do you make your home more welcoming?

First of all we have to think according to our own reactions and what we generally notice when we visit someone’s place .Inviting exterior and entryway

An accent wall, painting, or mirror can attract the eye and immediately make your home feel more welcoming and inviting.use of wooden panel across the main gate, use of water fountain is one of the great ideas to add. Always try to make your main entry door a little bit huge from the regular one, use luxurious and beautiful door handles. The use of chandelier light at the main gate will be an attractive idea.

Comfortable seating and cozy carpet

brown wooden round table with chairs

Seating is an important part of your guest room\ drawing room because everyone wants some cozy space to relax. So we need to focus on adding little softness into your space.Use a cozy carpet and couple of throw pillows to make seats more comfortable or opt for more comfortable couches and chairs when you’re bringing new pieces into the home.Set up your living space in a way that optimizes interactions. Create a comfortable space that enables conversations as well as relaxation.

Use of some pop up colours

Sofa Chairs in Living Room

Sometimes use of the same colour and pattern makes people bored, so we definitely add some pop up colours in our drawing room, like some yellow vase, fuschia flowers, table runner, some candles . It will surely improve the mood and happiness among the guests.Adding chandelier light on ceiling of drawing room is an amazing idea.

Keep your space clutter free

white camera on table

Clutter is the opposite of warm and inviting. It’s overwhelming, distracting, and chaotic. Clutter incites stress – not relaxation. That’s why we should keep clutter to a minimum if your aim is to make your home more welcoming.Create a space for everything and place and store it accordingly, teach your kids to arrange their toys.

Put books and Family Photos on Display

brown wooden table with chairs

Family photos will really give our home a personal touch and the guest who are coming to our place are special ones, so to create the sense of involvement with our family it will do a great work. Books shelves is also a reflection of your personality, keep book collection on the shelves.

By doing and adding little things we surely make our home super cozy and most welcoming place.

Viju cropped
Vijay Laxmi Rai

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